Office on Aging and Senior Center
Interim Director – Robyn Poppick
Contact Info: 96 Mariner Point Drive | Clinton, TN 37716
865-457-3259 |
Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Mission Statement
The Anderson County Office on Aging & Senior Center coordinates with other local agencies, organizations, businesses, and churches to provide for the needs of those 60+ years of age in Anderson County. This office provides information, assistance and referrals, outreach programs, reassurance, and other direct services to assist the elderly. Our goal is to enable these individuals to remain in their own home as long as possible and to build and enhance the quality of life through the combined strengths and efforts of staff, volunteers, and clients.
This program is funded under a grant contract with East Tennessee Human Resource Agency.

Office on Aging
The Office on Aging offers programs specifically for seniors ages 60+. Most services have NO INCOME LIMITS, and NO FEES are ever charged, but we will always happily accept and appreciate donations.

Senior Center
The Anderson County Senior Center offers a variety of programs and activities to improve quality of life, to prevent and combat depression, to aid in socialization, and to provide much needed enjoyment & entertainment. The current hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. We will be closed weekends and holidays. Programs are scheduled daily beginning at approximately 10 a.m.

Willing to Donate?
Donations of cash and checks can be dropped off at the Senior Center, or checks can be mailed to the following address:
Anderson County Government
Attn: Finance Department
100 N. Main Street, Suite 210
Clinton TN 37716-3625 **Please make checks out to: Anderson County Senior Center or Anderson County Office on Aging**
We truly appreciate all of our donors & sponsors, as well as our dedicated volunteers! Thank you for all you’ve done and continue to do for the seniors of Anderson County to help make our county the best it can be for all of its citizens.
Goals of the Office on Aging :
We would like to:
• Expand our programs and services, and increase the number of clients served.
• Make a difference in the lives of our Seniors of Anderson County and see the smiles on their faces
• Decrease the depression that our seniors face, because they have nothing to do, or because they are lonely.
• Keep our seniors active to improve mental and physical health.
• Work with county and city governments to make Anderson County the best county it can be for all of its citizens.