The information below is for Anderson County Government Employees. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the Human Resource and Rick Management Department at 865-264-6300 or contact the Human Resource personnel.
Anderson County Government strongly encourages employees to be prepared for retirement. Anderson County Government is a member of the Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System (TCRS). This retirement system provides a pension for retirees. ACG contributes a percentage of the employees salary to this retirement system.
For more information, check out the TCRS Website. In addition, ACG offers a deferred compensation plan, 457b, 401k, and Roth 401k contribution option, allowing Full and Part Time employees to contribute additional funds towards their retirement. Empower Retirement administers the plan for the State of Tennessee.
For more information regarding these plans and how you can participate, please navigate to your Secure Employee Portal HERE
Anderson County and Proactive MD are excited to have a partnership providing the eligible employees, spouses, and dependents of Anderson County with access to the Thrive Health & Wellness Center, as well as many other health and wellness resources with Proactive MD.
Proactive MD is a passionate employer-sponsored healthcare organization experienced in partnering with employers to inspire their employees and families to achieve well-being and health through innovative, quality, cost-effective healthcare solutions delivered with enthusiasm and compassion. Proactive MD provides our employees with a mobile app; for information on the Proactive MD App, please navigate to your Secure Employee Portal HERE
Effective July 1st, 2020, all regular, active, Part-Time and Full-Time Anderson County Government Employees and their Dependents can get care anywhere, 24/7, from board-certified doctors and licensed counselors and psychiatrists.
For more information, navigate to your Secure Employee Portal HERE
USAble provides a New Directions Employee Assistance Program to all Anderson County Government employees. Whether you are looking for counseling, navigation of the legal system, personal and professional training, financial guidance, or coaching to assist with healthy living, the EAP is a free benefit to all County employees.
This program is entirely confidential and can help lead you and your loved ones to a balanced and happy life.
For more information, click HERE to navigate to your Secur Save e Employee Portal.
Good health is a resource that helps us all meet our goals. The HR Office, in collaboration with BCBST and CareHere, will be presenting health and wellness programs to ALL Anderson County Employees.
Beginning October 1, 2020, Anderson County will be offering a Wellness Program that will help all of us increase our knowledge about health matters, improve our level of physical activity and more. The program is completely voluntary, and is full of activities that inspire you. There will also be a Celebration Event in June to present the participation, Gold, Silver and Bronze recognition awards.
Click here for a registration packet or you can pick one up from the Human Resources and Risk Management Department.
Our everyday choices can help us live healthier and happier lives, both at work and at home. Let’s work together and achieve our goals!
Anderson County Government became a member of the Governor’s Healthier Tennessee Workplace Team in 2016! It is our goal to play an integral role in improving health an well-being of our staff and community by supporting healthy habits.
Anderson County Government is committed to providing a healthy and safe work environment for our employees. In an effort to meet this commitment, we must ensure a working environment that motivates and supports all employees in their efforts to achieve zero work-related injuries and illnesses. Anderson County continues to strive to develop and maintain a well-trained, informed and competent workforce through clearly stated rules, work instructions, and proper equipment to safely complete all jobs.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA): OSHA’s mission is to prevent work-related injuries, illnesses, and deaths. Since the agency was created in 1971, occupational deaths have been cut by 62% and injuries have declined by 42%. For further information, check out the OSHA Standards.
Tennessee Occupational Safety and Health Administration (TOSHA): TOSHA’s mission is to assure the safety and health of Tennessee’s workers by setting and enforcing standards; providing training, outreach, and education; establishing partnerships; and encouraging continual improvement in workplace safety and health.
Workers’ Compensation is a form of accident insurance paid by employers. If you’re injured on the job or acquire a work-related illness, workers’ comp will pay your medical expenses. And if you can’t work, it will also cover wage-loss compensation until you’re able to return to work. To access Anderson County’s Workers’ Comp Packet, please navigate to your Secure Employee Portal HERE
Property insurance and casualty insurance (also known as P&C insurance) are types of coverage that help protect you and the property you work with. Casualty insurance includes liability coverage to help protect you if you’re found legally responsible for an accident that causes injuries to another person or damage to another person’s belongings. To access Anderson County Government’s applicable forms, navigate to your Secure Employee Portal HERE.
The Human Resource and Risk Management Department has developed training to cover various mandatory legal and employee-related topics. These trainings are designed to equip our employees to handle their duties competently. For maximum positive impact and learning, we have made the training modules motivational and engaging, as well as informative.
For information on trainings available, please navigate to your Secure Employee Portal HERE

Human Resources and Risk Management
100 North Main Street, Room 102
Clinton, TN 37716
Andrew Stone, Interim Director
Hollie Fields, Benefits Admin.