Fleet Service
Contact Info: 100 South Bowling St | Clinton, TN 37716-3617 | 865-457-6676
The Anderson County Fleet Service Department strives to establish efficient and effective delivery of county fleet services by providing customer agencies with safe, reliable, economically sound transportation and related support services that are responsive to the needs of customer departments and that conserve vehicle value and equipment investment at a cost savings to county residents.
Fleet Service is an ASE Blue Seal Shop with ASE and EVT CertificatedTechnicians.
Fleet Service reports to the County Mayor and is responsible for vehicle service and repairs of its customers (Ambulance, Public Works, Sheriff, EMA, Special Education, and local city vehicles).
Fleet Service provides maintenance and repair services to over 200 fleet units at one shop location, and in the field.
The main shop is located at 110 South Bowling Street, and is a full service maintenance and repair operation, including:
• Preventive maintenance
• Tire repair and replacement
• Automotive & light truck mechanics
• Police motorcycle
• Medium duty truck
• Light Body shop
• Welding
• Fleet control – motor pool
Field mechanics provide maintenance and repair services to units disabled in the field.